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Namelorena vicedo
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Messageim lorena vicedo i was invited by eric to view dis site and to write comments about ilog pasig....

here is my comment: the site is very informative and it also enables the filipinos to realize the reality of our makes me realize how irresponsible the filipinos are.. [no 0ffense!!]...

NameMark Joseph
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MessageI was invited by my sister to visit this site... nwae, i'm glad that many people are still concern with our environment.. this site would be a good start....... smilie

Namerozelle campos
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Messageit was a nice trip to the ilog pasig
smilie smilie

Namedenesy geller
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MessageInvited by: Mikka Lagrimas of II-edison (Mshs)
As i was staring at my ever-so-clean, temporary-habitat-of-our-pet-fish-named-squirt aquarium, i cant help but think that some where in the pasig river, the relatives of my beloved pet is currently having their slow, dramatic, death because of the mistakes of these so called "homo sapiens". well, i dont really have an aquarium nor a pet fish named squirt...but, u know, i do think that we should start working to improve the lives of these unfortunate creatures. I think this site will take us a step closer to progress which i think is what we need right now. smilie

Namelorena vicedo
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Messagethis site is very informative and it also enables the filipinos to realize the reality of our condition.... smilie

NameAlyanna dela Fuega
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Messagei'm very very glad that there are still concerned citizens for the Pasig River. u moved my spirit to take care of our planet! u can depend on me...sure, i will help spread the words "Save the Pasig River!"

good job and God bless! smilie

NameFerdie T. Lim
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MessageMy name is Ferdie T. Lim, student of Torres High School. I belong to I-4. My brother’s classmate and a friend of mine hehe. . =) Ate shiella invited me to visit this website. She’s a bit of scary…(joke!) By the way…. I’m here to give reactions, not to tell about Ate Sheilla. The river near us is very black, dark and polluted. It is not moving anymore because of garbages floating in it. The students of the school near it were suffering because of its odor. Pasig River, I think it wouldn’t change anymore. Just like the Payatas’ smokey mountain, it is just a dream to clean he Pasig River. Our government couldn’t support an amount of 15 billion pesos. For how long they would be acting like they are concerned but truly it is not? All they think is politics, they never think the Filipinos living near the river.

NameFrancis T. Lim
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MessageI'm Francis T. Lim, a student of Torres High School. I belong to II-1. I was playing here in this café, when my friend/former classmate Shiela invited me. Pasig River. . . As far as I know it is found near Malacaňang Palace. It’s very dirty and has an unpleasant odor. For students like me, you might think that you cannot help to bring back again the once clean Pasig River, but maybe we can help. We can control ourselves in throwing wastes and garbage that can pollute our river. The website, it is good. It could help students like me in enlighting our minds. I’m glad that there were projects planned by our government and I hope that it would be successful.

NameJoshua Lim
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MessageWell, I'd like to say it's a nice project. Let's revive the river of our dreams! Godspeed and God bless!

BTW, I was invited by Ace Christian Serraon.

NameAce Christian F. Serraon
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MessageNice project. nireffer ako ni Ron Tribo d2
Mabuhay po kayo!!!!

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