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Namenancy mcallister
Locationclick picture for more information
Web site
I own a gallery in Guntersville, Alabama. Your work is wonderful!! Read your biography and found it interesting that you are from Alabama and now living in NH. I am from Rhode Island now living in Alabama! Would love to show/sell your work! Regards, Nancy McAllister

NameKate Innanen
MessageWeds Jan 11, 2006

Just browsing your website - I really enjoyed the small works of art. I was inquiring about the prices of the "Pomegranate" and "Tomato, Pear, Peach & Pomegranate". Cheers, Kate

NameJill Iacono
MessageWed Mar 8 12:25:38 2006

How much is the painting of Callaway Gardens? I live in Florida now but grew-up in Georgia nd received my engaement ring at Callaway Gardens many years ago; I have been looking for a painting of teh gardens. Thanks.

MessageTue Jan 31 12:35:39 2006
Fay, what is your email address? I couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that there was a contest for the Families First calendar for next year coming up, and I now have the call for entries that I will forward to you and Donna. Thanks, Kitty

NameMichael U Johansson
Web site address
MessageThu Jan 12 10:16:04 2006 Hi, I have put a link for you from my site. You find your link at While perusing your site I believe that your excellent site and content would match my type of site. I would appreciate if you aswell could put a link to me. DonĀ“t hesitate to contact me if there is anything you wondered. Take care, Michael

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