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MessageI like that song too. I find music to be so important in my life and it really helps me to get through tough times. Just like you said, sometimes you need to hear the songs that make you cry, but I think it's healing. It makes me sad to hear you struggle, and I know your huge heart makes it possible to feel so much pain. That's always the way though isn't it? The ones who love the most, hurt the most. Even knowing that, I'd NEVER trade my heart in for a lesser one and I bet you feel the same way too. People with big hearts are so special and the world would be a better place if there were more people like you and me in it. Take care. <3

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MessageYou are absdiet4life!

I'd wondered where you'd gone to...

Yay! You are back again! smilie

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MessageOOOO I like the new look, and I added the Just friends diaryring too smilie

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