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MessageI saw this novela back in 2002 on Telemundo. I really liked the storyline and enjoyed the characters, especially Aunt Nasira. Been looking for a DVD set of the show, can't wait for it to be made available. smilie

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Messageda li neko zna gdje mogu downloadirat scene kada jade plese za zeina s zmijom u rukama
trazila sam i preko youtubea ali nisam nasla smilie smilie

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Messagesp:esse novela fiu mui interesante,e mui bello,jo lo ha visto una sola besse,y jo creo che no existe ningun tipo de film commo este!
ro:aceasta telenovela a fost foarte interesanta,e foarte frumoasa,eu am vazut-o o singura data,si cred ca nu exista nici un alt tip de film ca acesta!
eng:this soap opera was very interesting,it's very beautiful,i've seen it only once,and i believe that there is no other film like this one!
lo chiero!il iubesc!i love it!

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Messagehello lala if u didnt watch the finale of el clon u can ckeck in you tube!!!! enjoy it smilie

Messagehi guys... I heard a version of "a mirage" in spanish ("Tan solo por amor"smilie but i'm not sure a about the performer I dont know, i guees it's performed by Roberto Carlos. anyone have a any idea. where can i get it? Please!!!
I heard the original version by Marcus Viana and I´m sure that is not the version that I think I herd by Roberto carlos

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MessageHi,el clon is very supel novel!!!!Have you dvd el clon??a shop!!pls write me on my e-mail [email protected]
than´k you !buy smilie smilie smilie

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Messagehi! eu amo la novela es la mejor q existe y lo seguira siendo en el presente y en el futuro, a menos q saquen el clon2 jeje me imagino:jade y lucas casados con hijos!aunq en la vida real fue asi, gio y muri tuvieron un hijo al q llamaron pietro, pro ellos c separaronsmilie. Tambien soy fan de giovanna y of course d murilo lo amo, es el hombre mas bello q existe en el mundoo!!muitos beijinhos smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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Messagelos felicito!!!!
por esta hermosa pagina!
El clon es la mejor novela del mundo! queria pedirles me ayuden!!!!!
yo necesito la cancion MAKTUB pero la version cantada. puede ser en arabe o portugues si estubiera en español seria
buenisimo. La he buscado pero siempre es instrumental o mas lenta. Porfavor, alguien me podra ayudar? la necesito para cantarla con mi banda

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MessageCan someone please tell me where I can download this show from. smilie

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MessageI loved watching this soap oprah. When I watched it I found myself lost in a different, exotic world. When is it going to be on again? smilie I love the music, the actors, and the fantastic story line. I live in Chicago and I read English subtitles on my tv which was fine. Great show! Its been 5 yrs since I've seen it but it sure made an impact on my life. smilie

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