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Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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MessageAre they remaking El Clon?

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MessageIts the best novela i ever seen!
the story & the Music is 'Amazing' and i cant wait till i go home and watch the nxt Episodesmilie

MessageBest novela ever!!! <333
I truly enjoyed it and I rewatched it again when LN showed it. XDD
The chemistry between jade and lucas was so real, that even they fell in love awww...but sadly they divorced ;_;
I can't believe they're remaking it though T_T
please leave it as it is. It really is my favorite novela, nothing I've watched after that top's it.

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MessageWhen I looked at this film indeed I felt myself in the another world!
Grandiose senary team of beautiful actor. Beautiful teleserial in a word!
I am an admirer of this film indeed! My the first acquaintance has been in 2004 with serial, but (only) I did not look at that time and I was making fun of look at.
But I met this film in the broadcast anew in 2006 and jevrildim nothing to the fan of this film without knowing in myself this time and I looked at!
I were already making fun of people that/where I made fun of this time for me!
But this film I understood being give birth to indeed beautiful after looking at this film!
Saying film TV is given him it in the again for the third time!!! smilie smilie smilie smilie

Signature: Mr. Mustafayev

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Messageja sam narucila cd sa muzikom,pretpostavljam da ce me kontaktirati mailom ili vec nekako da mi zasiguraju da sam dobro porucila i da jave kad stize,jel zna neko nesto o tome,mislim o tim porudzbinama? smilie hvala

NameManuela Zaragoza Battle
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Messagetu no tienes idea como me encanto esta novela 100 pre pienso en ella estoy loca por comprarla en dvd smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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MessageEeeee... Ne znam koliko je prošlo od kada sam gledala na BK, evo sad gledam na Košavi, odlična je serija. Muzika je posebna...

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MessageBest soap opera EVER! Thanks for posting. I saw this many years ago and could not find the dvd. The music, plot, actors, this is beautiful. smilie

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Messagelepa serija zade je masinerija,ali i mala maca za moje dete sunca.
pravi ples je samo kod mog cilete,voliiiiiiiim te majaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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