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Private Message added 2009-06-12

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Messageza dragana
jel mislis na pesmu Zahme ya dunia zahme ?

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Messagethis is an amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing series,we are watching it now in lebanon and getting addicted to it,love u Jade smilie

Private Message added 2009-06-08

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MessageBest soap opera ever, light years ahead of others of it's kind. It is easy to see that all the actors have put great effort and succeded in creating a realistic play smilie Maktub !

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MessageSećam se kada sam prvi put naletela na ovu seriju. Mrzim latinske sapunice, ali ovo je bila ozbiljna serija, visokobudžetna i sa vrhunskim glumcima. Bila je 160 i neka epizoda, i sećam se da sam pomislila da je šteta što je nisam gledala bar pedesetak epizoda unazad.

Odgledala sam je do kraja i nisam se razočarala. Serija je stvarno odlična i vredna gledanja. Ne samo da je gluma odlična, već je i muzika jako dobro odabrana i sama priča je zanimljiva i bogata.

Doživotno zahvalna...

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Messagereci su suvisne za ovu seriju! smilie molio bi najlepse ako neko zna muziku iz klipa el clon resumen 529,kada zade igra za saida,druga pesma,da je postavi,pleeeeeeeeeeease puno bi mi znacilo! smilie

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MessageThis site is great. I love O CLONE and here I can download my favorite songs! I watched O CLONE twice and I can say: "This is the best serie ever". smilie

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Messagesmilie I recently bought the clone and my family and I are watching it because when we started watching it like 2 years ago it was already almost at the end and we are enjoying every chapter from the begining
[email protected]

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MessageSuuuper serija...obozavam ovu muziku

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