Sandy Milligan Guestbook

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NameKeith Hatton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI’ve just seen your exhibition at Selkirk and it was inspiring. Having started pastel painting 10 months ago I know how difficult it is. Your paintings are remarkable and beautiful. You obviously love painting and what you paint. Many thanks for sharing.

NameRobert Murray
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI Saw item in April issue of The Scots Magazine about your work.Best Wishes,Robert Murray

NameMckenzie Munro
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSandy, the website is excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed my 'trip' through your very beautiful range of paintings. It also brought back some very fond memories of my time in Denholm.

NameJohn Ferguson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI spent many glorious vacations in Scotland, particularly in the Borders... what an extraordinary talent for capturing the colors, atmosphere and tranquility of this beautiful part of the world. Just wonderful.


NameCorrina Hewat
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWhat a great new website Sandy! Whoever designed it is a wonder. The paintings and prints are so well presented. I hope things are going well for you.
All the best

NameIna Smail
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThankyou, or should I thank God for your talent.
That new picture of the keep/tower where is it?
I love Smailholm Tower. Never stop painting!
A grateful fan. smilie

Private Message added 2008-04-13

NameKevin Williams
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for you great paintings and photographs. I'm so glad I found your website.

NamePatrick Doherty
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageEarth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes - The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Private Message added 2007-11-04

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