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NameMichael Craig
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MessageDelighted to hear about new album...

Namemike meisinger
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MessageReminiscing of the time I first heard the song Just Got Lucky on MTV and was hooked by the sound! You guys were great and I wish your time in the music biz lasted much longer.

NameSparks Franklin
MessageLove the JoBOXERS really hope we get to hear the full Skin & Bone album and the third album.

Looking forward to hearing these :

Cry Uncle.
Lonchaney Jr.
My Best Friend.
Skin & Bone.
Preach & Teach.
Talkin' To Joe.

Great website keep up the good work.


NameAnt. L
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour music still sounds new everytime I play it, and I defy anyone who hears 'Boxerbeat' or 'Just got lucky' not to start tapping along to it. If they don't, they obviously don't have a pulse!

I can still remember seeing you on The Tube and being blown away as if it was yesterday. So come on, lads, get back together and do a few dates in the UK!

All the best from Stockport, England!


NameDarrin Price
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI grew up in the 80's and was involved in the punk/new wave scene and always thought the Jo Boxers was one of the most unique and talented bands I had come across in my own personal musical journey. You chaps were (and are) awesome! I wish you the best of luck and happiness in all you do and want to thank you for the joy you've given me through your gift of music. Many nights I sit back and drink pints listening to "Like Gangbusters" thinking of those wonderful days. You guys are great and have such a wonderful blend of influences that inspire. Bless you blokes and kindest regards, Darrin Price.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI still remember you from when I lived at number 5 Cherry tree court. I never did get paid for the electricity!

NameTori Ann Steele
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei love this group
especially the song "Just Got Lucky"
i wonder what they are doing now?
i started listening to joboxers when they were on cable tv in the 80's
thanks smilie

NameGlasgow Al
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello guys, just like to say a big thank you to you for the great music and good times you gave us back in the 80's. Especially want to thank your tour manager at the time who gave me the shirt off his back!! THANKS.

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Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSee you in Portsmouth about 82 stayed and got a drum stick signed from ya,missed the bus as a result and slept in a bus shelter, smilie cheers lads.......

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