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MessageOps, that last face shouldn't be there...

Should be something like this: smilie

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MessageDear Jackie smilie

My mum found a nice little saying from you on February 9th yesterday. We are very surprised and very honoured that you have written about my dad. The world isn't that big at all and I feel glad and happy that people around the world send their thought for us!

We are all right now and making the most out of our lifes. It's hard sometimes but we also have joy and happiness.

Have a great trip to Europe smilie Might see you in Copenhagen.

*Knus fra Susanne*

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MessageCrack up how good you all look as geeks - not much effort needed huh... Think Mandy Man Cam could pass for a Clark Kent maybe, I'm not asking to see him in tights though. Sorry to have missed out on a great night but the photos proved to be very entertaining!

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Jacki 9 April!!

Toni smilie

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Hi Jacki

Its me again. Was just fulfulling your request for someone to write in my guestbook. I haven't had a message in a while either, somewhat depressing cause you spent all that time writing your blog and then no body leaves you a message. I am bored at work today as well, boss is away for a while so pretty crusy. Have a good weekend.


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Hi Jacki

I am in the same boat as you. But in Australia they don't celebrate 2nd Jan as a holiday so I had to come back to work on Tuesday the 3rd and have been the only one here all week. I to have also been indulging in 1.5 hr lunch breaks, updating my blog and chatting online with Rach, Mum, my sisters and any other unfortunate person who thinks they can quickly check their emails before being bombarded by me as I am lonely with only the cat to keep me company. If it was Katie it would be ok but this cat kinda annoying and mults alot. Anyway if you get bored my msn is


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Hi Jackie

Suck about the car. Don't have that problem anymore since i don't have one. There is nothing wrong with hiding from the rain and watching movies. Sounds good to me. At least it isn't 36 degrees! Its all good though, would be complaining if it was cold.
Hope you have a good christmas and new year and look forward to more updates.


MessageOuch!!!!!! that sure sux about the car also very jealous about the europe trip, sounds very exciting!! Spose your place is abit more quite with cam and rachel gone?

Private Message added 2005-12-15

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MessageHi Jacki

I have also just realised that I have not put anything in your guest book.

So, Hi, the site is great. I look foward to hearing about the cakes and am jealous that I am not getting to taste them.

Your holiday sounds exciting!!


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