Welcome to September Sea's Guestbook

We so love hearing from everyone and thank you so much for visiting.  
Please come back and see us again soon! 

"Life's a Gift... Unwrap It!" - C~

Charmaine & Bill Aboard s/v September Sea
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NameCarol Edler
DateNov 14, 2006
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MessageHi Charmaine & Bill, Steve just sent me your website address to view the reunion pix - they are wonderful (love those kids!). Your website is AMAZING! I had to share it with my brother Al who is based in Melbourne Beach and sails a 43 foot something or another - you may hear from him. As you know, I was a sailor in my former life, so many of your photos look familiar! However, Steve's not budging from Lake Carroll, so I suppose we're fresh water landlubbers for life! Love to you both, and hope to see you before too long! Carol

NameWayne Bumm
DateOct 18, 2006
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MessageHello Charmaine & Bill,I have stopped in to visit your site every now and then.Great Site.I sent a message to you a while back and was surprised to see how quickly you answered.My wife Patti and I will be leaving New Jersey this weekend to head to the Keys.We hope to be in the Marathon area around Christmas,we stayed at Burdine's a few years ago when we towed our 27' Catalina to the Keys.We had a Great Time while there.This time we will be coming down the ICW.We will keep an eye out for the "S/V September Sea".Take Care,the Bum's on "S/V Bum's Rest"

NameAngie Hallmark
DateSep 16, 2006
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MessageHello Charmaine & Bill,

It is I Angie (AKA) Shelly's little Sister...I wanted to drop by for a suprise visit to say Hello to the both of you and to tell you that I miss talking to you and your wonderful sense of humor...I also want to Thank You for sending me your Website...You have done such a wonderful job on it...Now, I can finally come aboard for the next adventure...Or is that little boat tied off the back just for me??? You both are definitely living the life...Cudos to you both!!!

And I'm Loving You Too,


DateJul 09, 2006
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Charmaine&Bill,
It was great to finally meet you two in person.Have been reading about your adventures on your web site.Want to thank you for keeping a eye on the "Chiqui" while I'm back in Charleston.You did a great job with this web site. Keep up the good work.Will see you soon.Vernon
S/V Chiqui

NameTanya and Tom
DateJun 07, 2006
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MessageThank you so much for showing us why our dream of living aboard has to start soon. Your photos of the sunrises and sunsets are so beautiful and amazing! We enjoyed them so much and will return to look at them again and again. I was also happy to see the pictures of both of you, because it reminded me of us and gives me hope that we (Tom and I) can do this together. Bless you and I hope you will have more beautiful adventures on your boat. We are looking at 6 more months here in AZ, then we will be living aboard.

Tanya and Tom

DateMay 24, 2006
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MessageLooked at the Celebrations of Life again; it is so beautiful, Mainie. It always grasps my heart and I'll never be able to look at it without crying. I love you so much and am equally proud. What a gift you've given from all of your being. You are my strength in this; I'm sure you are the strength for all of us.

Your not-so-big-all-the-time sister.

Name#2 Sisero
DateMay 24, 2006
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey honeys....
Hollerin' at cha from the City of Angles. Arrived last Tuesday and was missing you. Am staying with sister-in-law, Hedy; celebrated the 4th anniversary of her sister's untimely passing last night; you, of course, were on my mind and had my own little personal melt-down later. I love you so much. SOOOOO... I visited the website again today. My niece, Natalie (age 10) had been having a little trouble with her reading and comprehension skills according to her tutor (she needs a new one), but she loves creatures and the ocean, so I had her come in and read the adventures aloud while looking at the pictures. She'll be JUST FINE. AND it's all so educational.
Visited our brother; will write you. IT was WONDERFUL, genetics at work (the good ones!). Anyway, loving my girl and my Billy....

DateMay 24, 2006
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MessageI haven't visited your site in quite a while, as it always brings tears to my eyes. But I had to bring back the wonderful memories of BJ and our time together. I will be moving out of the Keys to Central Florida at the beginning of July. I will always keep coming back to your site, it is amazing and the pictures are priceless.
Hope to see you before I move. smilie

NameCharmaIne Aboard s/v September Sea
DateMay 16, 2006
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHoly Cow!! The message below is from my long lost brother. He's been gone, I believe, 44 years. That's right. FORTY-FOUR YEARS. Unreal.
They say such things happen in movies... well this is REAL REAL REAL. My family and I are so incredibly blessed to be back in touch with our brother Bobby. My goodness, blessings blessings blessings!!

Can't wait to talk with you, my dear brother Bobby. I love you!


NameRobert C Smith JR
DateMay 13, 2006
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Babe your web site is really great, I am just so sorry to hear about my nephew that I never had a chance to meet, maybe I might be able to meet my niece soon and get to see you again, miss you Sis, love you.
your brother.

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