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DateSep 5, 2006
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MessageHi ya smilie
Glad your Mum was able to tell you that I phoned. Kool smilie
I don't have a land line at the moment, only mobile, which is 0011 1 604 767 9734. But I have a phone card to use which makes calling cheap. I only have your home no. though. If you have a mobile see if you can text me so I have ur no. smilie
I'm staying at a Hostel for 2 weeks smilie , then we're hittin the road for a week or so smilie
Vancouver is 17hrs behind Cairns. I think I am only 9hrs behind you smilie
Hopefully I'll catch ya soon smilie

DateSep 4, 2006
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MessageHey chicken.. great to see some updates! I've been slack too...well more like finding it hard to get to a internet cafe and upload my pics!
Hope you guys had a great time together.
Tried to call ya the other day but you were at work, so I'll try agian.
take care, miss ya still!
smilie smilie

DateSep 2, 2006
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Messagehey anna!!

Beachvolleyball ist angesagt! mega party heute abend smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie , freu mich schon voll und keiner von euch da!! ich dachte du wolltest mal kurz vorbeikommen.... smilie

DateAug 30, 2006
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Where's the updates? You don't email me, so I have to rely on your website for updates! ha ha What's going on? How's you & Ryno going? Any pics? How did you guys go in the tournament?
All's good here mate. We played indoor state titles in Brisbane 2 wks ago. Came 4th (I GOT 5 BLOCKS!!! Yes FIVE!I think Ann-Helen got about 30, but that's beside the point!)
Anyway mate, hope all is good & you're kicking arse!

DateAug 27, 2006
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Messagehey hey

ist ja schon ne ganze zeit lang her, als ich das letzte mal was von dir gehoert hab. smilie und auf deiner homepage geht auch nichts mehr nach. smilie am samstag bin ich wieder daheim smilie ! mal schauen, wie es mir ergeht. smilie

also bis bald mal wieder


DateAug 20, 2006
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MessageHey Anna, why doesnt Ryan have a guestbook on his page?! U dont update urs at the moment so Im reading his page and signing your guestbook smilie
Nice weather in oz, gettin better but I just got one week left smilie Just cant believe it!
Only 5 working days and two days of party nxt weekend...
Goin 2 a footy game nxt sunday with an aussi guy, how cool is that?!
Please keep me updated!!! Hear u soon?!

DateAug 18, 2006
MessageHi Anna!
Weiß nich ob du meine SMS heut bekommmen hast...?!? Jedenfalls tuts mir echt leid, dass ich jedesmal wenn wir uns gesehen haben es verplant hab, dir deine Ordner und Bücher mitzubringen smilie smilie
Naja, wird scho noch die Zeit kommen, wo du dich wieder als glücklichen Besitzer schätzen darsft smilie
Bai bai

DateAug 14, 2006
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MessageHi Ryan,

as you don´t have a guestbook on your blog (or I´m too stupid to find it smilie) I´ll leave the message here: sorry I didn´t see you anymore yesterday evening, I was probably putting down the tent while you were packing your stuff and leaving, it´s been nice meeting you and have a great time in germany! If you ever come to Nürnberg in your last few days, give me a ring, maybe we might be able to squeeze in a cocktail at the Saucalitos-Happy Hour! smilie

Take care!


Ach ja, glatt vergessen: smilie

DateAug 12, 2006
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MessageHi anna!
ich wollte dich nur mal fragen, ob du mir evt die speicherkarte und die CD zuschicken könntest, brauch die karte nämlich langsam wieder...
LG von der ostsee

DateAug 2, 2006
MessageHi Anna!
wie schauts denn jetzt mit Klagenfurt bei dir/euch aus?! Und was ist eigentlich mitm Endturnier, hab gesehen du und Co ihr seid noch ga nich angemeldet...seid aber schon dabei oder?!
Also vielleicht seh ma uns ja im Stadion - wir fahren morgen smilie smilie

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