St. John the Baptist Church, Thane
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NameJackie Alphonso
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI was very pleasantly surprised to read in the parish website, all that the parish is doing, and also the involvement of so many parish members. I wish my present parish, here in the USA, would take some lessons from St. Johns. It is really amazing that a parish of that size, and with whatever limited resources, reaches out to the community the way St. Johns' does. Hats off to all the clergy, and especially the lay people who volunteer so cheerfully and keep the wheels of the parish so well oiled. I am proud of St. John the Baptist Church!

Private Message added 21-02-2009

NameTrevor Coutinho
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI read with interest the news of the parish I grew up in and the school I went to - "Nostalgia" would be an appropriate word to describe what I and a couple of friends here feel when we talk of those days we served mass together,come rain or shine,be it the 5.30 am Sunday mass or the 6.00 pm mass. We talk of the days when our beloved "church compound" was our meeting place to chat or play or simply compare our prized possessions, our bikes,not to mention using our cattys to fell mangoes that the trees in the compound had in abundance, much to the annoyance of the then current parish priest and to our boyish delight. We even met, under strict instructions from Mum & Dad, at the beautiful grotto for Rosary during the May holidays. And what of those wonderfully organised summer play camps for the holidays -- I could go on and on ...... but I'll end here - I will continue to read with interest.

Best wishes St John's


Locationclick picture for more information
This is a very good oportunity to learn about our parish.I liked the history of this church and very happy to know about the past.

Private Message added 26-07-2008

Private Message added 02-07-2008

NameFerrol Lobo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageNice website! More pics of parish events will be much appreciated!

NameBrian Pereira
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Your web site is great; You may include the names of past Parish Priests who have been your shepherds and were responsible in so many good works they have done for your Parish. smilie

NameMichella Murzello
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Fathers of St. John the Baptist,

This is the parish I was baptised and received most of my Sacraments from, and grew up in my catholic faith. I fondly remember all the times I came to this church and its buildings for various events and functions. It gives me great pleasure to see our Parish Website and read its news.
Besides, my son studied in this school till Sr JK and I was showing him his old school.
May this Wonderful Parish continue to grow and evolve with new and innovative ideas. I was lucky to learn and benefit a lot from being in the church choir right from my school days to adulthood. I was also a very active member of the youth group and have many fond memories tucked away in my memory box.
Peace and Joy to all the Priests and Parishioners in the coming New Year 2008.
May the good work continue.

With best wishes,

NameBrevin Sequiera
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWell done, Father This site will give freedom of communication and will be great help to keep our Parish togather in the near future.


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