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MessageSome posts are just mean't to be commented on, this is 1. Thank you for an outstanding read, so difficult to discover nowadays.
Hey I just wanted to drop a line and say I genuinely like your website. I have been looking at it for fairly some time now and i thought it was about time i dropped a comment and said hello.
Keeping a fresh blog is challenging and extremely tiresome. You've pulled it off well though.
Somethings ought to be commented on, this is 1 of those issues. Thank you so much
I can now trully say that i have been converted into a loyal fan!

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MessageTake me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul.

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MessageIt would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you'd never even have to see the garbage.)

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MessageWhat is really infuriating is his denial that he was attacking the Tea Party. He was “only reading a WSJ article” on the floor of the Senate. Hannity could have done a better job of hammering on THAT giant piece of brazen hypocrisy.

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MessageIn doing this blog and thinking about this stuff, have you ever had any ideas for what kinds of tools (software, that is) that people could use to do things like share creative ideas in groups, create customer community, etc. etc.?

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MessageHas he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What’s “fiscally conservative” about voting for every spending measure in sight?

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MessageI always wondered if the Manchurian Candidate – McLame – would make an appearance. I think he is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, too.

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MessageI hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn't be a good compromise. There's something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people's awfulness.

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MessageIt'd be kinda like the group blog idea, but with more of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" vibe. And who didn't love playing that? smilie

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MessageIt'd be kinda like the group blog idea, but with more of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" vibe. And who didn't love playing that? smilie

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