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Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi There jose !! :wave:
A nice site you have here my friend !!

Best regards from Indonesia

NameNic Lake (niclake13)
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey, this is niclake13 from deviantArt. I really like your site... excellent job. I'm still currently working on my own personal site/gallery, and looking at yours has given me some nice ideas.

Tremendous artwork... I've very impressed. smilie


NameKaren Fiore
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour work is incrediable, I love everything, I have tried to pick a favorite, and I can't, it is all stunning to my eyes and soul, you have such a gift, and so much talent, I shall always look forward to your work, and in time buy some of it.
Thank you for so much beauty

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour work makes my soul smile!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jose,
Great photos, I saw your work on DA & Just had to visit your site. Glad I did.
Some awesome photos.
You have good eyes for composing your shots.
Keep up the good work & thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.


Private Message added 2006-07-06

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehello jose!
i watch u on dA since a while, but i've never had a look at your web (what a mistake)....really great here, i love your photos and your art.

and the web of course is also awesome!



Private Message added 2006-04-13

NameIshmail Mehmet
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jose, Its great to see your site.
Ive said it once and am happy to say it again; "im a big fan of your work!". I work in Australia and am working towards getting my business going full time in photography and video production.
I really do adore your work.
I see you have tough skin in regards to some arrogant wanna be's from the digital forum were I originally saw your work.
Just keep going man, your work has a definate appeal.
Feel free to send me an email as it would be a pleasure to hear from you.
Kind Regards
Ishmail Mehmet

NameJulian Li
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jose, I really really like your pieces of art.
I wish I could do the same, and I will be trying to develop that side of my photography as currently I focus on people.
Keep up the good work I will be back again as I have bookmarked you. Seeya


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