We have cleared out all the riffraff!  All are once again invited to join in a nice guestbook experience!

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NameGrandma Kemler
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI'm counting the weeks!!!

Is Max really sitting up already?

NameKen and Amber
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe like your pictures. Very cute and witty comments from the proud papa smilie

MessageBe glad you are not here right now - the weather is so yucky. You guys looking for a live-in nanny by chance smilie ?

NameGrandma CC
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI like the headline!!!! What could be better than the announcement of Max's arrival????

Love from Grandma CC

NameGrandma CC
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Oh my! The new photos are just so sweet. I cannot wait! I want kisses and I want help in the kitchen! Grandpa only wants to cook canned baked beans and tuna. I think Molly would do much better with menu planning.....

Love from Ma/Millie/Grandma CC

NameStacie Looney
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Coadys! Just wanted to let you know that you have a beautiful family! Congrats on that adorable baby boy Max. Hope that you
are enjoying Florida and the warm weather. We miss you on Tuesday (or was it Thursday) nights loving God.
smilie The Looneys

MessageI think he definitely looks like a Kemler!

MessageI think he definitely looks like a Kemler!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMolly takes good pics, actually! Very impressive! smilie

NameNancy Martin
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageKatie I have some pictures for you from His Place. I don't see a way to send them to you through this Blog spot so if you want them just send me your email address. Thinking about you and Nate especially in the coming week.
Aunt Nancy smilie

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