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Messagesmilie And I love you ALL for your patronage and support. Come by often and help us celebrate here. smilie smilie

NameEdwin Figueroa
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI Love websites like this and any other like this one. Como decia Hector Que viva mi Gente

Private Message added 2005-06-03

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Messagetita everything with me its great. married life is great.. send me your email address so i can keep in touch with you i thought i had it before but i couldnt find it.. so send away.. keep going strong in school you can handle it...

be safe take care.. Cheena smilie smilie

MessageAY VISNEN! Finally! Thank God you are well. ;0) School esta okey, made 2 Bs and an A. I am in summer semester now and I am takin g 2 classes. What's new contigo smilie smilie smilie smilie ?????

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Messagehi tita.

woosh its nice to come by again and say hello again to you its been awhile. i hope you and your family are doing good.. by the way hows school coming along.... i hope its less stress ful for you now,, have you moved already ?
keep in touch with me girl.. ill do the same. again great to come and see you again... smilie
smilie smilie

MessageHola Yahreliss! Escribeme a mi direccion, me alegro oir de ti! smilie smilie smilie

Messagesmilie eyyyy titaaaa. smilie amiga soy yo yahreliss la de bravejournal,,,nena que has hecho en tu ficha que me siento perdida smilie trate de buscar el tag board donde una deja los mensaje s pero ufff,,,nada entra a mi tag board please aun no tengo pc y mi trabajo se acaba el 30 de junio asi,,,,que no se cuando vendre por esto s lares otra vez pero no te olvido.....adios hermana boricua smilie

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MessageIgualmente, MI GENTE! smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameNemaris Perez
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MessageUn saludo a toda la gente de Orocovis desde Palm Beach Gardens, Florida....
Nemaris Perez-Carro smilie

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