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MessageLove your translation cori-chan ...!!!
arigatou gozaimasuuu, keep up the good work smilie

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MessageArigato Gozaimasu! Thank you, thank you & thank you for all the wonderful work you put in this site. I really appreciate the translations and songs. Keep it up! smilie

Messageyou first popped up on my radar a several years back, when i was conducting a light google search for my then-new fave j-pop artist UA. no one had heard of her, but i thought i'd see if maybe there were a few fans. i found your then geocities site with lyrics to several of her songs. i was shocked and beyond thrilled. i had been working on transliteratiing her Turbo album so i could sing with her, but i was (and still remain lazy). you did that work for me. i really appreciated it. she's still a big favourite of mine, and you still transliterate her songs. i still send you my thanks. it's hard work, i know. but keep it up. i'm so glad you cover a great many artists now. you're too good to me(us).

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MessageHi Angel, just saying my usual thx 4 a excellent site, hehe smilie

Namepao ^^
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MessageHello cori-chan!! Ive been visiting your site for my romanji needs and so far, you're site has been the best and most updated. smilie

keep up the good work!! Gambatte!

smilie Pao

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Messagei've been your fan for a long time...^^.. thank you so much!!! smilie

MessageKick ass website. Finally i can get lyrics in English for my fav. J-artist!!Thanks lotz smilie

MessageHey cori, well im back to ask u a thing. I`m studying japanese and i was wondering if u got a tip of a site where i can learn more?

I know its weird but it would mean a lot to me, i really like the japanese language!

Thank u and talk 2 u soon!BYE!

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Messagei just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. This site is great.

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MessageReally good job for all the translations.

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