Message | I must say that I found your site by accident, and really enjoyed it. You have an outstanding collection of dive watches, and the little extras like music and photos that you've added for each watch write-up really add to the site.
Concerning your remarks about the Marathon "SAR", you've listed it as CCG issue for SAR Techs. I suspect that these are military issue, not Coast Guard. SAR Techs are military personnel in the Canadian Forces. They are easily identifiable by their coveted orange berets, and on operational flying they wear orange jump suits (which match in colour the orange nylon watch band shown). In the postage stamp shown on your website, that is a Canadian Forces Labrador helicopter hovering over the CG boat. I have also seen these Marathon "SAR" automatic watches at the Fleet Diving Units, where they are issued to Clearance Divers.
Again, thanks very much for the work that you've put into this site, it's outstanding!
Cheers. |