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NameAile-i�i �iddete HAYIR platformu
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Message�zcan Txx ile Mehmet Ercan Txx, 21 agustos 2005 g�n�, yegenleri Bar�� KO�AT'�n d�g�n�ne gitmi�lerdi. Bu iki katil karde�, daha �nceden en az d�rt-be� yasal evlilik yap�p bo�anm�� s�per ge�imsiz �iddet makinalar� olduklar�ndan yegenlerini k�skanarak �nce d�g�ndeki konuklara sald�rd�lar... Konuklar olgun davran�nca cinnet ve n�bet ge�iren bu iki sap�k, d�n�p kendi akrabalarinin g�rtlag�na sar�ld�lar.. ��te o zaman rahmetli analar�, bu g�z� d�nm�� yarat�klar� uyarmak istedi. Zul�m, aile-i�i �iddet bi�iminde, Kocaeli-Derbent k�y�nde, analar�n�n evinde ge�iyordu... �ki cani bir olup analar� Kudret Txx'u kendi evinde d�vd�ler... Yerlerde s�r�klediler... �zcan, 68 ya��ndaki tansiyonu y�ksek hasta kadincag�z�n ba��na iki tabure f�rlatt�.. Mehmet Ercan ko�tu gitti mutfaktan b��ak alarak geldi; kad�n�n koyun gibi kesmege �al��t�; g�r�lt�y� sokaklardan duyanlar geldiler, kad�n� ellerinden ald�lar.. Bundan sonraki g�nlerde halk dag�l�p gitmi�ti ve �zcan ile anas� ba�ba�a kalm��t�; o arada ne i�kenceler yapt�, ne bi�im ter�r uygulad�; �ng�rebilirsiniz... �yle ki, on g�n kadar daha ancak ya�ayabildi �iddet kurban�... Kudret Txx, 2 eyl�l 2005 g�n� �ld�; y�regi, bunca zulme daha fazla dayanamad�...

Alkolik sap�k �zcan Txx hakk�nda hicbir yasal i�lem yap�lamad�; r��vet uzman� kesilmi� namussuz, engel olmag� ba�ard�...

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Messagethis place rocks smilie

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Messagei love hot poop smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameHershey Squirt
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MessageGet Well, Poop Man! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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Messagehot poop fuckin rocks!!

Namename: name: name: name:
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Messagemy name is moo moo and i come from cow land and my name is moo moo or betty, i like moo moo more than betty, hot poop tastes really good and i eat it all the time dude ur hot! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

Namehairy gooch
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Messagei play with myself all of the time!!!!!!! my girlfriend play with herself with bananas and cucumbers!!!! thats hot!!!!! and ur hot too smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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MessageThat is [email protected] holla!

NameBig DICE
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MessageWhat it do walla walla ??!! smilie in case u haven't heard the flammy flossy mix tape u can pick one up at hot poop free!...Norhtern california's trigga pullin' commission will be putting out the the anticipated project late this me at F600blkedout for networkin' and if you make/sell beats HOLLA!!!

NameBig DICE
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWhat it do walla walla ??!! smilie in case u haven't heard the flammy flossy mix tape u can pick one up at hot poop free!...Norhtern california's trigga pullin' commission will be putting out the the anticipated project late this me at F600blkedout for networkin' and if you make/sell beats HOLLA!!!

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