Get well Jim!

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NameM�sl�man Halk Grubu
MessageBu G.�zcan, geceyarýlara dek meyhanelerde zulalarda falan hap �ekiyor; alkol alýyor ve genellikle geceyarýlarýný ge�erken Derbent'e geri geliyor. Bazan Acýsu yolayýrýmýna dek g��l�kle bir araba buldugu oluyor. Sonra yalpalaya yalpalaya Derbent giriþinde Maþukiye yolayrýmýna geliyor. þte b�yle kutsal gecelerden birinde bir dini saglam ve sopasý da m�kemmel insana raslamaz mý?! Raslar inþallah!... smilie smilie

NameMisyoner G. �zcan TOS, bir ibrettir; T�r
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageahlaksýz subyancý misyoner G.�.TOS'un girmedigi delik yok; birg�n bir kahraman ýkar da bu sapýgýn hak ettigini uygun bi�imde g�sterirse, halk, o zaman �yle bir kahramaný kesinlikle alnýndan �per!.. Yakýndýr.. Bu hep b�yle gitmez yani!...

NameSemiha YANKI
MessageFM Radyolar�nda bug�nlerde �ok yank�lanan "MARMARA K�RFEZ� B�LGES�N�N EN UTAN� HABER�"ni CANLI bi�imde ve yeni belgelerle aktar�yoruz:
<img src=> �gretmenmi�! Allah kahretsin b�yle �gretmeni!.. Ne bu vicdans�zl�k? Kimdir b�ylesi kriminallere kamu g�revlisi unvanlar� dag�tan? Nereye gidiyoruz?.. Toplum, t�mden duyars�zl�k batag�na m� s�r�kleniyor; nedir bu?!... Son g�nlerin en �ok tart���lan ve herkes�e ders al�nmas� gereken deh�et verici haberlerinin ilk s�ras�nda �u var: KOCAEL�'DE ALKOL�K MESLEK DERSLER� �GRETMEN� (�zcan Tos, 1958), UYU�TURUCU PARASINI TAMAMLAMAYAN ANASINI (Kudret Tos, 1937) D�VEREK �LD�RD�... smilie smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
who are you? wat do you want with my life??? go away! Shut up! have you ever heard of Noam? no? shame on you!

NameRichard Dodd
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust popped on your site to check you out and was shocked to find you've not been well.
Came in the shop with my wife last September when we were in Walla Walla and asked if you had Augstana - "All The stars And Boulevards" in stock and you proceeded to spend half an hour looking for it!
Visiting your shop and meeting you was one of the highlights of our 4000+ mile drive, it was a real pleasure. I still look at your card of important phone numbers and laugh!
Best wishes from both of us, hope things are looking up.
Don't go yet Jim, at least wait 'till we've been back for another visit! smilie smilie

NameTom Ketcham
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi, Jim.
Life is short and it seems you've lived a good one. All the rest is a bonus so make the most of it. I should be dead myself so each day is like another encore.

I'll always be thankful that your shop was there during the years I lived in Walla Walla back in the late 70's and early 80's. Every paycheck I'd spend a couple hours going through bin after bin of vinyl, looking for the unusual as well as the mainstream. You turned me on to some great music that I wouldn't have considered otherwise. Looking back on it now, spending money on vinyl was one of the best investments I've made. I've upgraded turntables over the years and the music I hear from those lps sounds as good as ever (or better) when I spin them now.

You're a true ambassador of music, Jim, and there's a bunch of us that Thank You for your commitment to the cause.

Best wishes,
Tom Ketcham

Namemike baldo
MessageI was just in your store and the bald clerk really helped me alot I think he needs a raise
thank you
Mike baldo

NameAscencion Castillo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey there Jim, keep up the positive attitude on life and you will be just fine. You definitely remember me from highschool, right? Boy we sure did our fair share of narcotics back then ay buddy. I still think crack is better than heroine though. (other people can't read this right?). Get better, love you bro.

NameJohn & Kate Reeve
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGet Well !!

... and keep on truckin'...

NameOZAN BABO (nam-� diger KO�AT familyas�nd
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSAPIK �gretmen (!) �ZCAN TOS i�in DEKORAT�F RES�ML� MAAN�


kuru kuru sikilmi� danalar gibi b�g�r�yorsun/
halt yemekle �nl�s�n, agz�ndan bok kusuyorsun/
bu kez bira sanarak Kubi'nin sidigini mi i�tin, hap�� ibne/
elli y�ld�r sik yalamak sanat�n, ba�ka i� bilmiyorsun


<img src=>
<img src=>

OZAN BABO (nam-� diger KO�AT familyas�ndan eylemci biri; Hindu �ingenelerindeniz ha! sen g�r�rs�n lan ibne G.�.TOS)

[email protected]

smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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