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MessageIt makes sense about not continuing with "business as usual" — I couldn't do it, either. But I can't see ghost writing as being satisfiying for someone with as strong a voice as yours. Being an evangelist for the likes of Apple or Adobe might be cool, but would that let you continue with the stream of consciousness riffs that have obviously been satifsying for you — and been so energizing for us, your readers? Don't know.

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MessageHas he joined Obama in Wonderland where up is down and left is right? What’s “fiscally conservative” about voting for every spending measure in sight?

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MessageVery well written article. I'm really impressed by you knowledge of the subject. Fell free to write more.

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MessageOnly reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn’t even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s.

NameMarisa Elienne
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MessageThankyou for your website. You are great mind. I am fasting right now and I wish my dad would call you to get help with his cholesterol problem. Maybe he will. smilie

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MessageAnd a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list…..perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!

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MessageI also really enjoy the idea of a group blog mostly because I've always been a fan of group blogs a la 37signals. It's a different take on things that I tend to enjoy, getting to see different opinions, group dynamics, etc.

Private Message added 2011-08-05

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MessageTake me for example. I could support Bachman, Cain, Palin, or Santorum. in no particular order. Others would choose fewer plus Paul.

Private Message added 2011-08-03

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