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NameMini Van Houton
MessageWe can never hope to be free of limitations, nor would we want to be. Many of the things which appear to limit us in some ways, actually support us in other ways. Every great thing that has ever been accomplished, has been done by people with limitations. Rather than wishing for a life free of limitations, let your limitations give you strength.

NameLogi Master
MessageNo matter how long you've been walking north, in just a single step you can be walking south. What does it take to turn your life around? Just one step. You are one step away from eating a healthier diet, one step away from being a better parent, one step away from improving your finances, one step away from becoming more skilled in your work, one step away from a more fulfilling relationship. One minute from now, your worst problems can be behind you, instead of in front of you. In a single step, your best day can be yet to come, rather than long ago in the past. In an instant, your negative energy can be redirected toward making a positive difference. Just one step can change your momentum, and start you in whatever direction you truly want to go.

MessageWe each relate to the world from our own personal perspective. While that is valuable in many ways, it can also be limiting. It is ultimately self-defeating to think that you can advance your own self interest at the expense of the bigger you -- your family, your community, your world, the entire universe of which you are an integral part. Everyone you know, everything you know, is connected to you in some way. Not by some mysterious cosmic force but by the simple, obvious fact that they are a part of your world, of your experience. The quality of your life depends on much more than the state of your own personal body and surroundings. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your world. It depends on your willingness to take responsibility for that world. It depends on your ability to be a positive influence in that world.

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MessageCome to see my adult video blog. All the chicks you’d love to see banged on video!

NameTrader Sid
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTraders Night are always fun! Even if you show up like Bernie, and sit and talk to your partner...oh but he did dance on the bar counter!!!

Has Stewie even shown up for a Traders Night since the new Millenium arrived??? I don't think he has. Stew, we allow trades in this league! smilie

NameYour Favourite Martian
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDamn ... wish I could've been there.

See you all on the 1st!

NameJack Daniels
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageKudos to everybody who showed up for the season's 1st trader's night! It was good to see that a lot of teams were prepared to deal as opposed to doing the Slippery Stew' notion of spit & crying about every trade offer.
Yeah, so what do you want for him...
(the Ghost of Stew was there after all)

Stew buddy, your ears must have been really ringing b/c of all the flack directed your way. Besides, I could do about the first 2 or 3 hours of it until Kaizer happily stepped in to take my place...or was that Terry? These two latest partners/deguellos were the best part of the night! It was kinda' strange though b/c whenever Terry's lips were moving, it always sounded like Kaizer's voice rumbling in the background!?
It's finally going to be another great season ladies.... smilie

NameSid Needs A Deal
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageUmmmm...hold on a second Mr. Surrounded By Indecision; if there's some rquirement about the new team having to make trades with everyone, aren't you about 4 years behind in your deals??? Quit falling in love with your guys and make some deals yourself first!!! I spoke with your partner Chris and he says he hasn't been in the league for 3 years now, so who is this mysterious partner who keeps vetoing all your trade talks? This would only make sense if you were the partner Stewie keeps talking to...

NameIdiots needing a name change
MessageWelcome to the new owners, Chris and Joe. It is tradition that you make a least one trade to all of the teams in the league, specifically the guys who have only have donated to the cause for the past four years, SBI. It is also a new tradition that you donate laptop computers, big screen TV's, etc for each and everyone one of the teams involved. Good luck boys.

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