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NamePrincess Haikuflut
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWell, here we are again. Just you, me and the Guest book. This time I visited I noted your music and am wandering over to uTube to have a listen. I'll get back to you on what I think. Adeiu

Private Message added 2007-03-21

NamePrincess Haiku
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI came back and spent a long time reading your blog and your links. You deserve an award for having the most eclectic blog and links to the most deliriously eccentric spaces. Is that a word (delerious) OH no- here come the spelling police. After me again.....

NamePrincess Haiku
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks for the link and I have reciprocated. This will make it easy for me to come back and explore all the interesting things you have collaged on your space.

NamePrincess Haiku
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYou have a very interesting concept.

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MessageCame over from Meander's place, visiting others who made her New Friends list. I like your stories and will be back frequently. smilie

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MessageThanks for stopping by my blog ( and saying such nice things in my guestbook! I thought I'd return the favor.

Keep up the good work! smilie

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MessageInteresting read!

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that is all that i have to say. your blog is one of the most impressive that i have ever come across. i would love for you to visit my page and read about my life and have you say a few words about it.
my link is

ill be waiting for your comments.
and keep up the great work!

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MessageNot sure if I signed before, so delete if you like. Stop by often to read your posts and view images, find inspiration. Thanks for all that.
Fare thee Well,

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