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MessageHello mate

Glad to hear that you are still having the best time!! Cannot believe you are back on the 23rd! So wierd! I am in Cornwall that weekend but am back on the Monday so we will have to catch up. Can't wait


NameKerri Trounce
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You are living my dream !

Well done.

Reading your web site always makes me smile - I am so happy for you.

Lots of love, best wishes Kerri

p.s t will not stop snowing in London !!!! I will think of you as I slide to work !

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Messagesmilie CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you enjoyed your curry.

So proud and SO jealous.

I love reading your update. Your doing the most amazing thing ever!

Love Kerri ( It's raining in england! Are you surprised!)

NameLittle Katie Cheetham
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Messagesmilie hi Diving Chick smilie ,
u look hot in your rubber!!! smilie looks like your having fun, lucky girl, working hard!!!
we had our staff party on mon night, we had 2 limo's with champagne!!!take us 4 a pub crawl in town & meal-it was well fun smilie .
your looking brown smilie , im looking white!!he he.
uni is gd(hard)mark is fine, 7mths soon!

well hun, keep us updated smilie , take care, have fun, love u millions, love katieeeeee smilie x miss u

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What amazing adventures you have had! I love reading your diary and it is wonderful to hear that everyones' spirits are back up again after the tragedy. Glad to know you are all back to living the high life while all of us back home are jumping out of our skins with envy! Can't wait to see you in NYC! Just got back from the big apple actually (Brad and I went!) and though it was very cold, it was quite a treasure as always!
Miss you and am excited for you to one day take me diving with you!
Love Hollin

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Messagesmilie Wow!

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. Your diary entry is heart breaking and all my thoughts are with you at what must be such a life changing time of your life.

I am so relieved that both you and Louise are okay. smilie

Now it seems apt that your web site poem is 'maybe'!

I am so proud of you for staying out there. We are collecting clothes and blankets at work to send out to a church.

All my love goes out to you and your friends with you.


NameWill Lawther
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MessageHi Ems!!!

Much the same as the others, My puter packed up over the hols, so wasn't able to write, but I managed to get to an internet Cafe, and check your site, and was so glad that you managed to get away unscathed!

Your post was beautifully written, but obviously incredibly sad, and I hope that in your mind you can find some sort comfort from the horrific events that occurred on Boxing day. I know whatever decision you make, will be carefully considered for all involved and good luck with whatever you do next.

All the best and enjoy.

NameEd and Elaine Prinz
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MessageHi Emma,
Our prayers for you were answered by your email.
We are very thankful that you survived the devistating tsuanmi. Mike is in Innsbruck Austria at the moment. Please come and visit your us, your family in New York. Our prayers remain with you and all those in the area.
Ed and Elaine. Help is on the way.

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MessageHi Em,

I am so glad to hear from you. I have been phoning your mum's house for days, worried sick about you but there's been no answer. I bet poor Maureen and Derek have been out of their minds. What a horrible, life changing experience you have been through - it must be tough sticking it out but I'm sure you're being appreciated, I just hope your being looked after too.

Lots and lots of love from Liz xxxxxxx

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MessageEmma, what a relief. I am SO glad to know that you are okay! I emailed you frantically when I got home from Dad's (as he has no internet) and then kept waiting, wondering where you were, if you had escaped the tsunami! What a terrible thing to even have to think about. Then I remembered your site. Thank you for taking the time to let us know our Em is safe. You are in my prayers and please keep us updated. I love you!

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