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NameChris Argyridis
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWhat a lovely monsters you have. they remind me the Friday the 13th. I really want to eat one. Actually Mr balls should taste very nice. Can I have one? With potatoes and vegetables please......


Private Message added 2010-07-30

Messagehey, where do you live? I love the red and white females, and males. black and white females and males, white males, and females. red males and females. could you possibly contact on me on this site in 2013 or 2014, for kittens you have available. keep in mind the email is really old, and please don't email it I will give you my mom's email or my email if need be.

NameАттила Келемен
Locationclick picture for more information
Йа мечтаю завести донсково сфинкса.
Хотело бы узнать сколько стоит котикmale/.
Спосыбо.Я просит Тебя одветить.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageПривет дорогая!!!Я очень рада за тебя! Ты большой молодец!!! smilie

Namehelle johansen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello from denmark
lovly cats and a very nice hompage
regards Helle

Private Message added 2009-05-12

NamePia Sillanpää
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSpring in chest seemingly on everybody smilie

It is hoped that the new puppys will come soon smilie smilie

Big hug to everybody smilie


NameMr. Shakil Ahamed Antonov
Locationclick picture for more information
Its Shakil was visiting your webpage. I was looking all of your beautiful kittens. I love your kittens smilie . But I fall in love with the kittens owner whose name is Olga. I want to buy 1 kittens from you. But is it possible to get you free if I want to buy kittens from you? smilie Because I want this angel girl forever as my life partner. smilie smilie smilie
Will you marry me?????? smilie smilie
If you will marry me than I will buy all your kittens. Because I love all your shining beauty kittens including you smilie smilie .
Lot of good wishes, love from my heart to your kittens and to kittens owner Olga. smilie smilie
Thank you so much. Take care. Kisessssssss.

Yours Rony Parakalo. smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

Private Message added 2009-04-23

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