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MessageGo Girl.You did so well in the Aussie open,don't give up, you have a lot more to show us yet.You should be very proud of yourself.

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MessageSvaka cast..... Volela bih da je za srpsku zastavu ali najbitnije je da je tebi dobro i da se vracas!!!!! Samo napred, verujemo u tebe!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Messagesmilie smilie smilie have been watching the match , keep up the good play you can do it.
Some really great shots.
3rd set now, go out there and do it, very tense game, nail biting stuff smilie smilie smilie

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MessageJa sam bio i zaboravio da ovaj sajt postoji,ali ceprkajuci nesto po netu naletim na ovaj sajt,svaka cast.Drago mi je da ovako nesto postoji,jer je vecina sajta o Jeleni ugaseno,ona je sada ponovo u usponu,i nadam se da ce naredne sezone uci u top 20 i da cemo ponovo moci da se radujemo njenim uspesima.Pozdrav od mene. smilie smilie

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MessageJelena for sure will be again one of the best tennis players in the World. Currently she plays tournament in Germany and she is pretty good there. Also she is really beautiful.

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Nadam se da ces pobijediti na turniru u Njemackoj i da ces sa uspjehom nastaviti svoj put u Top 10

RS je uz tebe.

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Samo napred, zelimo da se sto prije vratis u vrh svjetskog tenisa.

Pozdrav iz Banja Luke

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MessageCongrat on your wins this year so far. I look forward to seeing you in a grand slam this year. I know two majors have come and gone and you were eleminated quickly, don't give up hope, you have alot of backers in your corner who will be there on court or tv land to cheer you on. Welcome Back!!!!

NameDarrell Ostrovski
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You have so much talent, don't think you can not you can! remember this always, your as good as any in the top 10 so live your dream go for it!!
Your not only great but the sexiest woman in Tennis period, Hope to see you make your come back, play in my country you have many fans here.
*And on the 7th day God created Jelena*

NameMarija V. J.
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MessageSamo napred, Jelena! Svaka cast na pobedama u Firenci.

Svi Srbi sirom sveta te podrzavaju i zelimo ti brz povratak u sam vrh tenisa.

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