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NameBother greg
DateJuly 20, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehello-Loh... so you provided a this website becuase you know I'm a voracious reader? smilie kidding of course! You likely did not want me to be stoning this morning. What a wonderfully informing site it is. I can't remember (exactly) the ideals of the government but I know I was greatly impressed as I read them. I believe the founding fathers in the USA had the same plan but Power, Greed etc have corrupted the system along the way. I pray that Singapore would not go the same direction as time passes. The density of the population would seem to lend itself to more interaction with neighbors but life may be just a little too busy for that??? Keep on Smiling in the Loh-House (sounds like a chinese restaraunt)<grin>.... but my advice will never change... you can smile because you know the Truth and have Faith in the Saving Grace of God through the death and resurrection of His Son, Christ Jesus who died to pay the debt of our sin.
Love from halfway around the world

DateJuly 20, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagedvdgdgv smilie

DateJuly 20, 2008
Messagehjg jhg jgjh jkhg
jhg jg k

DateJuly 19, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagejust want to check it out smilie
seeing if i like it or not smilie

Namekaren hudoba
DateJuly 18, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei got this doller at the credit union in circle pines mn.

DateJuly 16, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie It must have been a rainy day
when you were born,
but it wasn’t really rain,
the sky was crying because
it lost his most beautiful angel…
happy birthday my angel god bless u
good luck 4 ur new movie singh is king smilie
n enjoy ur birthday
bye tc smilie

DateJuly 15, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTesting smilie

NameKiper 37
DateJuly 15, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThis works well...


DateJuly 15, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThx to all who have visited and written in my Guestbook ! It's all of YOU that make things happen around the globe and I appreciate the comments smilie Just please try to keep them about the BLOG here ! THANKS !!! smilie

PLEASE do come back and visit - life is waaay too short NOT to have fun every single day !! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameJuly Navarro
DateJuly 12, 2008
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreetings from the Navarro's clan of the USofA!
I was born, raised and educated in Tarlac City. I just want to say Hi and Hello to my friends and relatives there. I've heard that Tarlac, my hometown, is progressive and is now a center for business and trade. Congratulations to the current leadership for the job well done. Long live Mayor Mendoza. May God bless you in all your ways. smilie

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