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Nameספר אורחים
DateSeptember 15, 2008
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DateSeptember 15, 2008
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Messageseen a frog today

Private Message added September 14, 2008

DateSeptember 14, 2008

DateSeptember 14, 2008
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DateSeptember 14, 2008
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GRAZIE smilie

DateSeptember 13, 2008
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MessageDW Dreyer-Juselius


Email [email protected]

Dear Amateur Radio club

I would Just like to let you know that that two special event stations will be on air from South Africa on 24 september 2008. The 24 is Heritage day when we remember our History and club station ZS4SRK will be operating from the old the old Block house building. At the same time special event station ZS08TV will also be operating from the old meat factory which is now used as the club house for the Vaal Triangle Amateur Radio Branch. The stations will be operating on 20m 40m and may be on 80m on SSB. and also on Morse Code . We might use 14115 for Morse Code on 20m. We could also try 15m SSB

Please tell as many amateurs and clubs as you can, we would like to work as many stations as possible

Thanks 73


DW Dreyer-Juselius

DateSeptember 12, 2008
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MessageThis is really cool if it works!

DateSeptember 12, 2008
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Messagesdf dfsdf sdf sdf gsdf g

Nameluis pepin barrys
DateSeptember 11, 2008
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Messagesmilie smilie smilie Or a very beautiful and much better woman since he(she) is charmed with this world of the driving since(as,like) to my I wait to meet one day a car to traverse in the fall 500 or it(he,she) lowers 1000 that it is what I traverse and me apaciona regards rich girl continues forward and I wait for many victories in I you love you it(he,she) drinks these very beautiful look after yourself and on having seen the tiny flag of picture look after yourself smilie

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