Are you proficient in another language besides English? Would you like to see your own guestbook in another language? Would you like to help out your fellow guestbook friends? Would you like to forever get the credits for having translated a new language? Here is how you can become a respected member of UltraGuest community in less than 15 minuttes:
- Check if your language has already been translated here: translation status
- Visit the language variable post. Only 24 variables must be translated.
- Make a new post in this forum where the name of the language is the title (ie. "French"). Post the language variables with the translation between the " " marks.
- Remember to write what name/URL you would like to have listed for credits.
- For the next 48 hours others can make comments to your translation before it is entered into the system. (Future changes/corrections will be updated continuously.)
Thanks for your help!