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Messagehttps://fedorovkarb.ru Extreme Power Belt - пояс для похудения и коррекции фигуры
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NameSue Maloney
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHappy New Year to the growing Kabisch family, grandchildren add a new and fuller dimension to life as we know it!! Good luck with the move from WA to CO, hope the house is sold quickly, you find a reasonable place to call home, and you will be closer to Tara's family.

The Maloney's send warm and healing thoughts and prayers to the Kabish family.

NameBrenda Davis
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI think of you often and pray for you daily. I read your blog on a regular basis and feel so guilty because it made me realize just how selfish I had become. That feeling resonated with me throughout the day. When I revisited your blog later during the day I read your entry on love. You spoke about just how much you are loved and that it did seem fair, while others are not as fortunate. Frank you are loved, admired, and respected by so many people! The lives that you have impacted with so many positive results are too numerous to count. I thank God for the wisdom and insight you shared with me and our clients during our tenor as ACAP Counselors. Even now, the Lord is allowing you to use that very same gift to bless and inspire others. My regards to Kris and your family.

Thought For Today
Four things you can't recover:
The stone….....after the throw.
The word........after it's said.
The occasion........after it's missed.
The time.........after it's gone.

Namefix credit
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThe information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Private Message added 12-20-09

Private Message added 12-18-09

Private Message added 12-04-09

Private Message added 12-01-09

Private Message added 11-25-09

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