Welcome to the Tampa Book Buzz Guestbook!
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Thanks so much for the compliment. I'll have to stop by your blog and say hello. Thanks!

NameThora Bookmaven
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MessageHi Tampa Book Buzz!

We're just starting a book blog in Nanaimo BC and would like it to be a lot like yours, except about the buzzing of books in the Pacific Northwest. Let's keep in touch! We're at thorabookmaven.blogspot.com.

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MessageThanks so much, Rebecca. I'm glad you enjoy my blog. Good luck with your writing!

NameRebecca Macintyre
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MessageHi Lisa!
I love the Tampa Book Buzz and as a writer who's seeking publication, I hope to see my book reviewed here in the future!
Thanks for the updates.
Rebecca smilie

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MessageI'll have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by Jeff!

NameJ. Glaze
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MessageHi Lisa,

Checkout the book \"Positive Aikido\" by Dave Rogers. Any bookstore should have it located in the martial arts section.

See ya,

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MessageJoy and Gabi,

Thanks so much for stopping by. I thought I had my guestbook options set to send me an email any time someone posted a message here, but I guess it wasn't set up that way. I just happened to view my guestbook this weekend and saw that you'd both written.

Please email me with any news of upcoming events or book signings. Thanks!

NameGabi Lorino
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MessageHi everyone! I am a local author like Joy and Wendy and totally appreciate the support of being added to this blog. I'm working on finding a new e-publisher for my book- please contact me if you have any suggestions.

This is a great resource for finding cool new stuff to read- although I'm a student and work full-time, so most of my reading these days is textbook-oriented! Mmm... the thrill of analyzing the Federal Reserve...

NameJoy V. Smith
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MessageI was at Authors at the Park in Ybor City Saturday, November 5, and I met Wendy Boucher and Gabi Lorino there. We had a good time chatting, and Wendy told me about Tampa Book Buzz so I thought I'd stop by and say Hi! (I was there with my book, Building a Cool House for Hot Times without Scorching the Pocketbook.)

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MessageWelcome to the Tampa Book Buzz guestbook! I look forward to hearing your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, reviews and recommendations. You can also email me at [email protected]. Happy reading!
