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NameLisa Daniello
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageOne of the best breeds out there. We love our little (96lbs)girl.

NameKaren D'Moore
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI recently rescued a dog from being euphanized @ the local animal shelter. The kennal card on the cage indicated that the breed of dog was mastiff however he didn't have many of the mastiff's features with the exception of height. However, upon taking my newly acquired family member to the vet immediately informed me that I was the proud owner of a severely malnutritioned Cane Corso. He is 2 yrs. old, 96.6 lbs, blue coat and just a huge bundle of joy to have. I recently had to put down my 7 yr. old Amstaff due to a mass abound his heart. No long after I adopted a blue female pitbull. The introduction between them was inevitable. I initially muzzled the female. That went on for about a week. They played together quite well but I was still uncertain about removing the muzzle. Finally one night she managed to remove the muzzle and I woke up the next morning to fiind the 2 of them rolling about in the back yard like old friends. The amazing thing was upon inspection of the muzzle I discovered chew marks on the strap. Needless to say I've had him 3 weeks, he's gained 12lbs, his coat is beautiful and his girlfriend loves him. If you can offer any info with this breed it would be greatly appreciated. By the way my ton of fun is named "Q" as in quake, which is what it feels like when he runs by on the side of the house. My vet directed me to your site, so here I am. Help please.


Private Message added 2007-09-04

NameCory Conner
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust got introduced to this breed. Never even heard of them. Anyway, im currently doing research and trying to get info on. Seems to be a wonderfull breed. I use to have an Old English Mastiff.....What is the comparison?
Thank you

NameMichele Morman
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLovew the dogs looking at getting one for myself. give me more information about the dogs please
thank you michele

NameTori Pablo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have an 8 week old Cane Corso puppy and I'm having problems with him growling and biting my 4 yr old daughter. He only does it to her and she's starting to get scared of him. I did plenty of research before I got him and all sources say this breed is fabulous with children. I'm sure this is true but I really need some suggestions on how to curb this behavior. [email protected]

Private Message added 2007-06-06

Namecyndi tyson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for the epistle about pronunciation of "Cane Corso". That's a real pet peeve of mine as well. Also, thanks for your opinion on natural ears vs. cropped. I'm the proud mom of a Neo (Bella, 14 mos) and a Corso (Rocco, 5 mos) and I can't imagine cropping those adorable ears! I've ALMOST been made to feel guilty about it...but I love the softer look that my pups have. However, my Corso has a docked tail and dew claws removed. My Neo is stock - straight from the factory! Ha Ha.

I have MS and these pups are so much comfort to me. I enjoyed your site and will visit often.

Private Message added 2007-02-08

NameMark Jones
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat website with tons of info! I just got my first Cane a couple of days ago...just kidding, let me rephrase..I just got my first Corso a couple of days ago. I've been an Akita guy for many years. I've found that there are many similarities with these two breeds, but the Corso may even be more impressive in temperment and other characteristics...I'll find out for sure as I get to experience my Corso (Romeo). Thanks for all the info and keep up the good work.

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