View Full Version : Hungarian Translation (added)

08-02-2007, 11:16 AM
$phrase['sign_guestbook'] = "Írok a Vendégkönyvbe";
$phrase['view_guestbook'] = "Megnézem a Vendégkönyvet";
$phrase['return_to'] = "Vissza";
$phrase['name'] = "Név";
$phrase['date'] = "Dátum";
$phrase['email'] = "E-mail";
$phrase['location'] = "Lakhely";
$phrase['message'] = "Üzenet";
$phrase['private_message'] = "Privát Üzenet";
$phrase['added'] = "Hozzáad";
$phrase['page'] = "Oldal";
$phrase['of'] = "ból";
$phrase['first'] = "Elsõ";
$phrase['next'] = "Következõ";
$phrase['previous'] = "Elõzõ";
$phrase['last'] = "Utolsó";
$phrase['private'] = "Privát";
$phrase['characters_left'] = "Karakter van hátra";
$phrase['smilies'] = "Hangulatjelek";
$phrase['verification_code'] = "Írd be az ellenõrzõ kódot";
$phrase['post_message'] = "Üzenet küldése";
$phrase['preview'] = "Megnéz";
$phrase['js_required_fields'] = "Ki kell töltened az alábbi területeket.";
$phrase['no_messages'] = "Nincs üzenet a Vendégkönyvben.";

Translation by Anett
[email protected]

08-04-2007, 03:40 PM
Thanks! Your guestbook has been upgraded.

08-08-2007, 12:01 PM

Where should I insert the special characters?:confused:

Thanks for help!

09-14-2007, 02:31 PM
Now I know that I have to insert the special characters here....
Sorry I late with it...


10-10-2007, 08:40 AM

"UTF-8" is the default character encoding format used in our browsers.

The strings in the Hungarian translation are not displayed correctly under "UTF-8" encoding, only in "ISO-8859-2" or "Windows-1250".

Is there a way to make the Hungarian translation work under "UTF-8"?

I would gladly help in any way I can to make this happen...


Now I see as I checked the source code of my Guestbook page that it is coded with UTF-8, so even though I set an other encoding as my deafult encoding method, it will switch back to UTF-8 as soon as I browse to this page.

12-27-2007, 06:13 PM
I've made a few changes to this translation and it should work now, even with UTF-8:

$phrase['sign_guestbook'] = "Írok a Vendégkönyvbe";
$phrase['view_guestbook'] = "Megnézem a Vendégkönyvet";
$phrase['return_to'] = "Vissza";
$phrase['name'] = "Név";
$phrase['date'] = "Dátum";
$phrase['email'] = "E-mail";
$phrase['location'] = "Lakhely";
$phrase['message'] = "Üzenet";
$phrase['private_message'] = "Privát Üzenet";
$phrase['added'] = "Hozzáad";
$phrase['page'] = "Oldal";
$phrase['of'] = "ból";
$phrase['first'] = "Els?";
$phrase['next'] = "Következ?";
$phrase['previous'] = "El?z?";
$phrase['last'] = "Utolsó";
$phrase['private'] = "Privát";
$phrase['characters_left'] = "Karakter van hátra";
$phrase['smilies'] = "Hangulatjelek";
$phrase['verification_code'] = "Írd be az ellen?rz? kódot";
$phrase['post_message'] = "Üzenet Írása";
$phrase['preview'] = "Megnéz";
$phrase['js_required_fields'] = "Ki kell t\u00F6ltened az al\u00C1bbi ter\u00FCleteket.";
$phrase['no_messages'] = "Nincs üzenet a Vendégkönyvben.";

Please let me know if this language still does not work.

UPDATE: It should work EXCEPT for where there are question marks (?). I'll look at this again... :)

I need some help with these ones:

$phrase['first'] = "Els?";
$phrase['next'] = "Következ?";
$phrase['previous'] = "El?z?";
$phrase['verification_code'] = "Írd be az ellen?rz? kódot";

12-30-2007, 05:20 AM
Thank you so much, it works. But yeah where there is "?" it doesn't work.
So there is "ő".
"o" with long accent.

Thank you!;)


12-30-2007, 12:40 PM
Thanks for your help. Language has been updated and should be working now.