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MessageI enjoyed the years and thanks for showing us young cats how to lock a player down.

Fred G.

Private Message added 2008-07-01

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MessageI'm here in Oregon where GP did his thing at OSU. I would really like to see more throwback and retro GP OSU gear. The jersey that came out last was tight but what else can we expect from GP and OSU? smilie

Namealbert hadnott
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Messagei want to know how to get the glove shoe that came out in 2003 they were red and black

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MessageHey, I'm a HUGE GP fan and was so excited to find this site. I also frequent I was wondering if this page is still active and if you're still working on the archive. If you need any help, I have some items in my collection that you could use photos of if wish.

NameRuben Aguilar II
Locationclick picture for more information

Hey man, this website is tight! I'm a big fan, loved you with the sonics, bucks, lakers, celtics, and the heat. I'm with you where ever you go. You're my favorite player in the NBA i hope you never retire! Well look I just wanted to give you a shout out cause i think you're a tight basketball player, i love the attitude, the trash-talking its all about the game and boy do you get into it! I've noticed you started to where your "gloves" on the court with the heat, nike ever going to come out with them again or what? im trying to get a 2 pairs in each color, those are my favorite kicks! you know 1 to chill in, and the other to ball up folks, you know! Well I'm glad i could leave this for you to read. Also if for real you know a website where they sell your shoes, let me know. Mad Love Gary, keep ballin it up. You'll get that ring, mad respect!

Ruben aka Deuce