My Guestbook

Welcome to my guestbook.

You are welcome to drop me a note or comment or ask a question, but don't forget to leave me your contacts. :-)

Best wishes   /Eason Lau

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Private Message added 2007-05-02

NameEric Looi
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour multiply looks your personal diary smilie
Thanks for the photos...Keep on posting.


NameSatabdee D. Hait
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThe moments that I spent in Malaysia, I can never forget .. those were GREAT !!

It's nice to have a website where I can see the old friends and office...

I really miss u all sometimes!

Take care everyone


Yours Satabdee smilie

NameBarbara Ott alias corazon bonito
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Eason - great pics of your journey in Switzerland! What a pity I couldn't join you all during those dinners and sight-seeing-tours. But I can see that you had a great guide in Giusi and Joerg. smilie I hope we shall meet again sometimes smilie

NameJoerg Mendler
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Eason and family,

It's a big pleasure to be one of the first who is entering a guest book entry here...

I want to thank you for everything you're doing for me (business related) and I hope, that we will continue our really good contact as it is (privately)....

Take care and enjoy your son (and your wife) as I'm doing... (and don't work too hard... smilie

All the best to KL,

your friend(s) Jörg (and Karin and Bob)