Message | Most of your photos are at least 13 years old and were taken durring a paint job. The Airforce uses latex paint on there AC, thats where we got the idea. As for the verticles they were white when we got them from being outside on a pallet in Pamdale sandstorms for at least 10 years. The blue plastic, come on, its masking durring the paint job. The spike needs to be fully extended for the engine intake cover to fit. First you complain that the aircraft is open to the elements then you complain that we put covers on the openings. The pillowing effect was always there, have you ever seen the side of a B-52? We never got the pitot tube with the aircraft but you knew that right? As for the gear being overextended, what do you think happens when he aircraft takes off? It is true that this historic aircraft should be inside and far to much damage has been inflicted by mishanding but your willfull misrepresentation of the facts makes me wonder about your real motivations. Who pissed you off, Larry or Jerry? They are not there anymore, perhaps you should volunteer there again. Thank You Scott Koen Former Director of Operations Intrepid Museum |